I have been asked by a few friends and associates to weigh in on who I think will win todays leadership vote for the National Party.
However, while I do have a preference* I honestly don't know the outcome but I do know that today's winner may not actually be around to lead the party to electoral victory if previous history (of both National and Labour) is anything to go by.
So, in lieu of any real wisdom lets fire off a few links to others who have had their thoughts about how things will go.
First up is Winston Peters, from late last year, when he publicly speculated about the chances of any who wish to wear the crown. Its full of the usual Winstonisims and for that alone makes for entertaining reading.
Next is Secret diary of the National leadership race by Steve Braunias which is about par for the course but only covers Adams, Collins and Bridges, so we can only speculate about what he thinks of Joyce and Mitchell.
And keeping with the decent into absurdity is pop star Robbie Williams recent views on who would win where he judges the candidates chances based on their photos. I am not sure but I think that Mr Williams thinks Simon Bridges might be gay, given his comments, and that Nikki Kaye is in with a chance**
Meanwhile, we veer back on course with Stacy Kirk's article from Stuff which is worth reading for her take on the situation and the videos of the candidates doing their best to sell themselves to the public.
In the various videos Bridges looks slightly irked and irritated at the intrusion of the plebeian into his rarefied space as soon to be leader of the National party; Collins tries to hide the sneering Montgomery Burns levels of contempt but fails badly; Adams appears to be peaking on her first (possibly second) extra strong latte of the day; Joyce looks and sounds like a tired old man who needs to go to the toilet and Mitchell clearly needs a media trainer as his hands do all the talking, like a demented Punch and Judy show, and end up distracting from anything he is saying.
And last, and possibly least is Wikipedia with its very own page on the current leadership challenge which consists mostly of listing the various endorsements of MPs and media celebutards for each candidate with little else of value, ugh!
As for me I expect this to be the opening round in a longer struggle which will be discussed further in my next post: Rehabilitating National Part IV: Rebuild, reform or re-brand?
Until then, Vootie!
*-read my last post on the matter and figure it out for yourself
**-of a date with Robbie Williams not leadership of the National party
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Tuesday, 27 February 2018
China turns away from Democracy
many people have been fixated on the leadership challenge currently going on in the National Party, spare a thought for what has just happened in China where Xi Jinping just became leader for life by removing the two (five year) term limits
on his leadership.
While not a
democracy in any way shape or form before, the term limits (much in the same
vein as those of the US presidency) were at least a brake on attempts at
unbridled power by those who would, for all intents and purposes, become the
new Emperor of China.
Now, with those
gone, Xi Jinping can rule as long as he likes; just like all those other
benevolent despots such as Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong Un, Hun Sen and Vladimir
Putin and now China looks a lot more like its crazy neighbor, North Korea.
Of course not everyone
in China is down with this move, both the public and possibly other factions in the political elite, are unlikely to be fooled by the propaganda and heavy
censorship of criticism of the move.
Many people will
look at this and say “who cares” but when a significant portion of the planets
population is under the rule of one person and one person only you need only
scant recourse to history to see what could possibly go wrong.
And anyone with
even the most basic shred of knowledge of China need only look back 50 years to
see how things were under Mao Tse Tung to know that China under the rule of one
can go rabid and dangerous very quick with no recourse to any limits on what
madness can transpire (ie the Cultural Revolution).
And National MPs
going into the caucus today may wish to keep this information in the back of
their heads when choosing who to vote for as the next leader of the National Party
as while NZ is a democracy (with limits on power) there is more than one
candidate lining up today who looks and sounds like they would rule for life if
given half a chance (Judith Collins I am looking at you).
So the mantra for
today is: be thankful you live in a democracy where there are limits on power
and your leader today may not be leader tomorrow.
Note - If your wondering why the image of Winnie the Poo, click here.
Friday, 23 February 2018
Consider it official: Judith Collins just blew my mind!
Its almost a week old but upon seeing the headline that said Judith Collins considers herself the "fun" candidate I had to click on the link and see for myself.
What I found was the usual low grade journalism from Newshub (hence why I don't usually use them for links in my posts) via Ryan Bridge whose style of "writing" seems to be simply to cut and paste verbatim whatever Collins said to him.
But in his defense the snippets of Collins in the article and this other jewel from Newshub, simply titled "I stab from the front" - Judith Collins is such an astounding combination of truth, humor, delusion and just plain bizarre that if I did not know better I would have assumed it satire written by the likes of the Onion.
For example check these out:
What I found was the usual low grade journalism from Newshub (hence why I don't usually use them for links in my posts) via Ryan Bridge whose style of "writing" seems to be simply to cut and paste verbatim whatever Collins said to him.
But in his defense the snippets of Collins in the article and this other jewel from Newshub, simply titled "I stab from the front" - Judith Collins is such an astounding combination of truth, humor, delusion and just plain bizarre that if I did not know better I would have assumed it satire written by the likes of the Onion.
For example check these out:
- "With me there's a real sense of fun. It will be a hell of a ride and so much fun, and you'll enjoy every minute.
- "My style of fun is slightly more gladiatorial."
- "It's possibly a little late, but I suppose I could have a miracle, and the baby could be called Miracle Collins Wong Tung. It'd be great [When asked about having a baby to compete with Jacinda]
Or how about this very catty comment
- "I think Jacinda Ardern is utterly playing to her strengths. The Vogue shoots and all that. It's good for New Zealand. Good on her. She could be a fashion model, frankly."
But wait there is more to come...
- "I'd go after some of her vote. Not the soft fluffy vote, the red meat. The working people, working in the panel beaters, who don't read Vogue, who go to work, pay their taxes, grind out their life, trying to buy a house."
On one hand its clear that Collins has a sense of humor and I can definitely admire that and its also clear that she was having fun with her interviewers in the same way a cat plays with the mouse before eating it but if there is even a shred of serious in any of the things she is saying then you have got to wonder what she would be like as leader of the opposition or PM.
And there is just so much meat on the bones of those statements (and others in both articles) to leverage off that if one wished that you could write several posts about them without even trying.
But the one thing I whole-heartedly agree with Collins on, is this wisdom nugget:
- "These are extraordinary times and we need to take quite different steps than what everybody's going to be comfortable with. We're never going to out-Jacinda Jacinda."
I suspect my idea of what "different steps" is varies from Judith's but that's probably a given.
So, I'm not a fan of Judith Collins as politician but if she was to take her one woman comedy show on the road I would absolutely buy a ticket. Who she reminds me of at this point, for whatever reason, is the late Robert "Piggy" Muldoon with her combination of in your face attitude, naked lust for power and glib flippancy.
So, I'm not a fan of Judith Collins as politician but if she was to take her one woman comedy show on the road I would absolutely buy a ticket. Who she reminds me of at this point, for whatever reason, is the late Robert "Piggy" Muldoon with her combination of in your face attitude, naked lust for power and glib flippancy.
And if I pause for a minute and consider the rest of the field she is up against, with the likes of Steven Joyce, Simon Bridges, Amy Adams and Mark Mitchell, none of whom seem to have a sense of humor, maybe she is the fun* candidate after all.
Consider my mind officially blown.
Bravo Judith, bravo!
*-And Collins has now taken that word to the meta level
Thursday, 22 February 2018
National Party Leadership Rumble: We rate the contenders

This is one of my last posts focusing on the National party for the time being but I am looking forward to watching this play out over the next week (and subsequent years).
I recently read Sue Allen’s recent article on Stuff which compared the contenders in the race for the leadership of National to particular makes of cars.
course it’s ridiculous to compare politicians to cars. Any leadership contest
for a political party is nothing like shopping for a car and
every political scientist worth their salt knows that if elections are the
Olympics of politics then leadership challenges are the equivalent to the
all-star royal rumbles found in professional wrestling.
unlike many other commentators who rushed out their various articles and posts
in the days immediately after Bill English was led sobbing from the podium
(excuse me: when he “stepped down” from being the leader) I decided to bide my time, see
what I could find out from the various people I know in Wellington and wait
until all the contenders showed their hands.
now Steven Joyce (or more likely the six meter long, intelligent tape worm,
called Floyd, that lives in his stomach*) has announced his run for the top job, I
have decided that the time was Right (pun fully intended) to write this post.
are a host of things you need to know when seeking to be the leader of a
political party and its likely that many of our current crop of contenders
have yet to take these into account so now is the perfect time to make sure they
I fully admit that I am drawing much of this wisdom from the last nine years of
Labour leadership and the previous generations of National internal wrangling, both of
which provided a host of maxims.
not a sprint it’s a marathon!
because you won this round of the leadership challenge does not mean that all
other challengers are vanquished. For example if Judith Collins is not
successful this time it’s unlikely that she will be extinguishing her obvious
desire to be the boss so don’t spend all your political capital in one go, keep
some in reserve and watch your back.
because the MPs like you does not mean they will vote for you.
challenges are one of the few time deadwood backbench MPs will get any
attention from their more dynamic colleagues inside cabinet/caucus so it goes
without saying that while flattered at the obvious, and sudden, attention; they
are either going to use their head and vote strategically (ie whichever way the
wind is blowing) or make sure you pay their price upfront. No MP worth their
salt is going to peddle their ass for peanuts. It’s not personal, it’s just
because the MPs like you does not mean the public will.
you have managed to woo over sufficient numbers of MPs to your side and have
gotten the top job but the public perception of you is so negative that you’re
doing more damage than good by being the face/leader of the party. Labour
repeated this mistake time and time again when supposedly popular MPs kept on
trying to ram their hairy oversized feet into the glass slipper of public
perception after becoming leader and failing miserably.
because the public likes you does not mean the MPs will.
you’re the darling of the voters in your electorate but your fellow MPs treat
you like you have a serious BO problem and stay upwind of you at all times.
You’re going to have to get them on your side to swing the leadership vote then
you had better start with a new and improved deodorant before figuring out if
you have enough to pay the pipers when they come calling.
context, context!
popular with the public and MPs alike may still not be enough if the situation
surrounding you, and your party, is just not grooving and leadership in
opposition is never a fun job. Right now National is on the downward slope of the
electoral cycle and no matter who becomes leader they may be faced with
declining vote share until the time is right and things start to come back
leadership challenges are similar to the antics of professional wrestling so
it’s only appropriate that we assess the current crop of candidates along the
same lines as wrestling with its hero’s (called Baby faces or Faces) and
villains (known as Heels), scripted drama and assorted hijinks to jack up the
crowd (think cage matches, Texas death matches, ladder matches etc).
unlike boxing, with its tale of the tape that focuses on pure measurements like
weight, length and height, wrestling focuses more on intangible factors like
audience appeal, finishing moves, wrestling style (brawler, technician,
outright loon) and acting ability; all of which are qualities similar to those
which MPs need to operate in politics.
Get Ready to Rumble!
ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, liberals and conservatives without
further ado welcome to the 2018 National leadership rumble. Allow me to
introduce, in alphabetical order, your contenders:
“The Quiet Achiever” Adams
- Face
- Technician
Move – The “Silent but deadly” sleeper hold
– mid to high
since – 2008
around the water cooler in Wellington is that Adams is a person who gets things
done and this view was echoed by political rag the Trans-Tasman in 2016 when it
gave her the title of best MP of the year in its annual review of NZ MPs and
described her as someone who “gets the job done”.
has held a range of ministerial portfolios when in government (Internal
Affairs, Environment, Courts and Justice, Broadcasting as well as
Communications and IT) and the general comments from those I spoke to about her
echoed the sentiments noted above. No Minister is universally popular among
civil servants but when I did hear something negative about Adams it was always
caveated with a comment about her good work in her various roles as minister.
there is little dirt out there on Adams either, with a general media sweep
turning up little to really smear her with which is amazing when you consider
how prolific members of National have been in the last decade at getting caught
doing dirty and dodgy things.
there is this one stain from 2014, and her time as environment minister, from The
Standard and reaffirms my faith that even the cleanest in National still have
some dirt in their souls.
is a significant landowner in Canterbury and appears to have acted directly in
her role as Environment minister in a decision to which she would have profited
from (via her owning land). Still, compared to the out and out criminal
behaviour of others in National, Adams still appears relatively untainted.
does not immediately stand out as a possible PM but then again neither did John
Key when he first entered politics. She is popular in her electorate and in the greater National Party space and has
risen steadily on the party list since she started (52 to 7 in 10 years) so she
ticks those boxes as well.
own personal feeling is that Adams is an operator in the same mould as John Key
in his heyday, and getting things done “quietly” sounds like a euphemism for the
nickname Key had (the “smiling assassin”). Add in her legal background (and the
majority of the leadership candidates have one) and you have a quiet but
capable candidate with good popular appeal and no major flaws to exploit.
also is part of the new blood of National but also has been around long enough
and is experienced enough to know how to play the game so she could act as a
contemporary, and foil, to Jacinda (who entered parliament at the same time).
Best of all she is not one of the gang of Five (Collins, Brownlee, Joyce,
Bennett and Smith) and therefore does not have any of the negative connotations
that these rascals have.
expect her to fight her dirty in public, she is a face after all, and has
already avoided the first public barrage by Judith Collins but don’t
underestimate her either, a definite contender.
“No” Bridges
- Heel
- Technician
Move – The “OIA Block” flying tackle
– mid to middling
since – 2008
admit that Simon Bridges stayed off my radar for most of the last few years as
he was always overshadowed by the Antics of Key and English et al, so when I
started making enquiries about him I was rather surprised at the results I got.
first many of the things said about him sounded like compliments, until the
punchline was dropped and they were turned into compliments of the backhanded
very smart…” or “Clever…” were words first associated with Bridges but followed
by gems like “too smart for his own good” or “that b*****d would sell a
drowning man a life preserver” and my favourite “you know why sharks don’t
attack lawyers? Professional courtesy!” which made no sense to me until it was
pointed out that Bridges (like Adams and Collins) was a lawyer before entering
it seems that while no one doubts that Bridges knows his way around parliament
there is a barrel load of doubt about his ethics, integrity and his ability to
get the job done without leaving a mess.
His behavior as Transport Minister in the 2015 Northland By-Election (with the bridges scandal) helped hand the previously safe National seat to Winston
Peters and in effect paved the way (pun definitely intended) for NZ First
getting back into politics and thereby setting up the current coalition government**.
that’s not all, his more recent attempts to block OIAs made about Kiwirail, his
“accidentally” opening up a national park for oil and gas exploration and his
links to dirty politics show that if Adams can keep her nose generally clean
Bridges cannot and this puts him on the back foot as soon as his past record is
on display where Adams has already had public (and professional if the
Trans-Tasman is to be believed) praise for her work as a MP and Minister.
let’s not write Bridges off just yet as it’s clear that he is being cast in the
conservative media (like NBR via Bryce Edwards recent glamour piece on him) as
something in the mold of a young lion, like an early John Key (with his down
to earth and relaxed nature) who will lead National to Victory in 2020 if only
his opponents would stop focusing on his “real” kiwi accent.
is an operator no doubt but he is also a political lightweight who folds under
pressure from the media (as his previous and recent meltdowns show) and this is
where the Key comparison ends with a hideous screech of brakes as Keys
unflappability and blokey ways was what made him both popular and untouchable.
on the other hand is clearly comfortable within the rule bound confines of
parliament or a court room (where he can score points on technical matters) but
not so once out of these safe confines and that combined with his skid marked
past means that he is a prime target for both the public and the media as
anything thrown has a large chance of sticking.
as leader, would be a short term win for him and any party clique which
supports him but otherwise its little more than a bald faced attempt to replicate
the Key magic a second time around and a bigger loss for the party and any
genuine attempts at reform as Bridges would be a clear signal that nothing in
National has changed.
as Mark Hamill recently remarked lighting does not strike twice and if the
party could not clone Key’s success via Bill English what makes them think they
can compete against Jacinda with Bridges?
“Crusher” Collins
- Heel (with a heart of gold?)
- Brawler
Move – “The Crusher” figure four leg lock
– All or nothing
since – 2002
Simon Bridges has been off my political radar for most of his time in politics
Judith Collins has most certainly been on it but not, as some might expect, for
all the wrong reasons.
Wellington there is a surprisingly high amount of genuine praise (not just
backhanded compliments like Bridges gets) for Collins abilities as a Minister,
no matter her portfolio.
time I have heard her described as “able to get things done”, “knows what is
going on” and “she may not make a decision you like but she will make a
decision”. All of these, and others, show a
definite level of loyalty among some civil servants and staff in her previous
offices towards Judith as a Crown Minister, which, like Peter Dunne in his
time, goes a long way in certain circles.
what also goes a long way is the other side of Collins reputation which is
accurately reflected in comments like “the b***h has balls” or “she walked into
the room, said nothing to no-one, gave her speech and walked out without saying
a thing” and this rather personal
observation from a previous Ministerial office staffer; “when the scandal
[Orivida] was going on she never once too it out on us [her staff] but she sure
took it out on other people, never get in her way!”
is a bully, a brawler and a beast. She takes no prisoners and asks for no
quarter which has made her very effective in her role as attack dog for
National under John Key.
after the Orivida scandal broke and the rumors of Judith’s attempt to get
Key’s job were circulating JK never got rid of her as all that would have done
is cut her loose and give her every reason to stir up trouble. Instead he
banished her for just enough time for the public to forget and then brought her
back, which, as I noted at the time is because “you keep your friends close and
your enemies closer”. In the immortal words of Tyler Durden, Judith Collins is
“a predator posing as a house pet”.
links to dirty politics via Cameron Slater and numerous scandals are just a
Google search away and I have linked them so many times I am not going to do it
again but Judith has spent her 16 years in politics actively caught up in dodgy
dealings and while she may thirst for the role of PM she would have so many
targets on her back and weak links in her armour that electing her as leader
would be gifting the opposition with all the free runs they can handle.
let’s address the incredible nonsense drifting round in the media that Judith
Collins as leader, and the subsequent lurch to the Right that her appointment
would represent, is the best bet for National in its time in opposition.
as the face of National for the next three, six or nine years, in opposition
would be confirming all the negative things the public knows about National and
the idea that her “attack dog” approach to Labour would be just the tonic for
“holding Labour to account” or wooing Winston away from the Coalition is
scorched earth thinking at best and Gotterdammerung bunker mentality at worst.
it would confirm is that National, bitter from its election loss, can’t be
bothered to fix its problems and would be willing to let its baser instincts
take over in an angry orgy of atavistic political violence such as to give Trump
a run for this money.
well known that the more right wing elements of the party have never been down
with the moderate bent of Key and his disciples and they want Collins as the no
nonsense face of their planed return to power under the mechanism of FukYoo politics, just as Trump did, and blitzkrieg the opposition
via angry and emotive appeals to those who feel that NZ is no longer theirs
(read the Hobsons Pledge crowd).
Collins, for all her ministerial strengths, is not leading lady material.
Casting her in the role of PM is like casting daffy duck as the serious
romantic lead in the next 50 shades of Grey movie, its wrong on so many levels.
if Judith somehow does get the job you will have a clear indication of what
faction is in charge of National and it would send a very clear message to the
“compassionate conservatives” in National that now might be the time to form
their own party or join NZ First.
“Dildo” Joyce
- Vanilla Midget
- creepy crawly
Move – The Tape Worm sneak
– None whatsoever
since – 2008
people I spoke to did not have much to say about Steven, to be fair, but those
who did had little to say outside of things like “good at catching dildos” or
“kinda creepy” and “a bit like Gollum from Lord of the Rings” which was
apparently in reference to their unbridled thirst for power (their “precious”)
and not their similar visages.
wrestling terms Joyce is a Vanilla Midget (or Lemon) wrestler, too small and boring to succeed in the main event but useful as filler to provide fodder for the real superstars.
example Joyce is credited as the “mastermind” behind Nationals successful 2008,
2011 and 2011 election campaigns which is ignoring outright the fandabulous
personal popularity of John Key as well as Joyce’s blunders, with the National
Party theme song in 2014 (that lead to the National Party being sued and losing in court for copyright infringement) springing to mind first.
the fact that Joyce clearly had a hand in the failed hit job on Winston Peters over his superannuation, a decision that is more than likely is the crux of why
Winston chose not to go into coalition with National, as the single dumbest
thing in an election campaign filled with dumb moves and colossal blunders.
from failing eight out of 11 economics papers while at university (while
getting a degree in Zoolology) Joyce managed to overcome that setback to become
Minister of Finance (when Bill stepped up to be PM) and simultaneously found
himself in opposition to every economist in New Zealand due to his idiotic comments of about Labours budget “hole”.
his contemporaries, who have proven popularity on the hustings, Joyce has been
on the party-list from day one and has shown no charisma, charm or leadership
ability when compared to all other contenders.
political career is a stellar promotion for the idea that you can flunk and
fail your way in almost every area and still get by if you happen to have a
million dollars to help clean up the mess.
why is he running for leader? My theory is that Joyce is either acting as a
spoiler candidate to suck votes away from another candidate and/or aiming to
lose the race but get the number two spot as deputy. Joyce’s star is fading in
the wake of the election loss, and he knows it, so he is aiming to shore up
support before the knives come out.
getting the top job would only confirm one thing; that Floyd (the intelligent
tape worm that lives inside him) has the incredible ability to charm
and manipulate people, situations and events to such a stupendous degree that it has carried Joyce all the way to the threshold of absolute political
power in NZ.
inside the fleshy shell that Floyd manipulates the real Steven
Joyce is scratching at the walls of his mind and screaming in abstract terror.
“The Merc” Mitchell
– Gimmick
– Shoot first, ask questions after payment
Move – The “cluster-bomb” elbow drop
– “Classic” conservative
since – 2011
has been made in the media of Mark Mitchell’s lack of public profile as being a
good thing in the current leadership battle, which doesn’t make any sense until
you realise the almost entirely negative perception that most of the other candidates,
and the National party has from their dodgy past.
yes, in that sense Mitchell’s relative unknown status does serve him well but
it’s also serves to distract from some rather concerning things about Mitchel
up is the fact that Mitchell turns out to have the stain of Dirty Politics on
him as he has previous links to political operative Simon Lusk and blogger Cameron
Slater but even worse is that Mitchell owned and operated his own mercenary company
(more politely known as a PMC or Private Military Contractor) in Iraq and was
made Minister of Defence after Bumbler Brownlee got demoted to Foreign Affairs.
I am not the only one who is seeing the obvious and extremely concerning
conflict of interest that having a man who owns a mercenary company in charge of
NZ’s defense poses. Forget Mitchell’s police background and instead focus on
the fact that this is a person who, as the Spinoff notes, “pulled the trigger for profit”.
like Steven Joyce, is another extremely rich individual who has bought their
way into NZ politics and as threats to democracy go that’s pretty high. Here is
a man that has gotten rich from war running for the highest office in the land
in a country with a proud military tradition and indigenous warrior culture. Think
about that for a minute, yeah it doesn’t look good at all, does it.
in focusing on the leadership bid, Mitchel has little to add except the fact
that almost every media article about him focuses on his police background, his
“hostage negotiation skills” and his lack of experience in government (three
minor ministerial posts in a year, no bills or legislation to his name and his
vote against gay marriage).
star only started rising after John Key left in December 2016 and try as I
might there was no word on the street about him in Wellington so I can only
assume that Mitchel was not popular with Key as its only when Bill took over
that he started getting ministerial posts and moved up the party list (42 in
2014 to 21 in 2017).
given that the media started talking about Mitchel being in the race well
before he actually announced it smells like some carefully orchestrated media
manipulation (not that the media is difficult to manipulate these days) on his
part to get some free PR and talk his chances up by spinning out his negatives
into positives.
Amy Adams has been a quiet contender and gotten things done while maintaining a
low public profile then Mark Mitchel is the exact opposite, a non-performer who
has a low public profile because he has done nothing.
wrestling terms Mitchel is Gimmick, using props and his non-political background
to pad out his otherwise lackluster political career. As a leadership candidate
he is likely to get side-lined by the more dynamic contenders unless he decides
to support one of the bigger fish (like Joyce playing for the deputy position).
So there are your contenders in this potentially multi stage leadership rumble: A mix of good and bad operators all trying to be the first to drink from the poisoned chalice.
I'm not going to give my preference for any candidate but do you think this is how it will turn out?
I'm not going to give my preference for any candidate but do you think this is how it will turn out?
NOTE: What I left out was all the possible combinations of challengers that could permeate, the deputy contest and all the other details which could take up another whole post (hey what a great idea!). Also I could not find any good pictures of Mark Mitchell so I went with him and his dog (please let me know if there you know of anything suitable out there).
was identified by Joyce’s proctologist last year after a lengthy rectal
Bridges was the person to unseat Winston from his old electorate in Tauranga in
2008 which means that he is responsible for both the death and rebirth of
Winston Peters, sheesh!
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Rehabilitating the National Party – Part Three: The question is not who will replace Bill English…
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, 12 February 2018
Three very undemocratic (and uncool) things happening right now in NZ

First up is the
proposed Waka-jumping bill which is currently slithering its way through parliament.
Despite newly
minted Attorney-General, David Parker, saying it will have a “chilling effect”
on MPs this extremely anti-democratic piece of legislation may actually make it
through the house and be passed into law, although not with National or Green
support by the look of things.
And it’s clear that
this is one of the prices Labour has had to pay for getting Winston to support
them but it’s a pretty high price.
In effect the means
for a political party to remove a MP from their seat completely destroys the
link between the MP and their electorate because under MMP an electorate votes
for the party via the party vote and the MP via the electorate vote.
So if a MP is earnestly
representing their constituents but that position happens to disagree with the
party line then the party would have the means to remove them and keep the seat
while inserting a more compliant individual and bugger what the constituents
As pointed out in
the Spinoff, this shows “how far our political parties in Parliament have wandered away from us, the voters” and it’s pretty hypocritical coming from
Winston himself given that had this law been in effect when he jumped ship from
national in 1995 his political career would have ended there as National could
have stripped him of his then seat in Tauranga.
One of the key
ideas of Democracy is that of representation, our MPs represent us in parliament
and if that ability is threatened or removed then an essential democratic link
is destroyed.
And if you think
that is not an issue think about the last time you spoke to your MP, they are
the human link, your voice in parliament, imagine if you and your electorate wanted
your MP to act on an issue important to you but the MP could/would act not due to the threat of
being removed from their seat by their party if they did so.
Not cool, very, very not
Also not cool is
that NZME and Fairfax are appealing the High Court’s decision against their planned merger of the only two mainstream media outlets in NZ into one entity.
And again having
all mainstream print and electronic media in NZ under one roof is bad for
democracy as it’s hard to imagine a free and independent media when it’s all
coming from one source.
The argument from
NZME and Fairfax that this will be a good thing, and no one will lose their jobs is hard to imagine. Also hard to imagine is this merger doing anything positive for diversity of
political reportage in mainstream media when the mainstream media is all one blobulus entity desperately relying on advertiser dollar to keep afloat and an age of declining MSM media revenue.
Add to the fact
that one centralized media outlet is the hallmark of dictatorships and one
party states around the world and you can see why this merger is only good for
shareholders and not, in any way shape or form, the public, free speech or democracy.
Thank goodness that
the blogsphere has picked up on this as not only myself previously but others
like Pablo over at Kiwipolitico can see a major problem with this and its
deeply ironic that bloggers would be championing a diverse media landscape more than those MSM organisations themselves.
Or maybe it isn't but either way, very uncool.
However what is cool is the
current petition to strip “sir” Bob Jones of his knighthood for his racist outburst in the NBR.
Jones always was a
dinosaur and a good example of why giving rich businessmen a public platform,
just because they are rich businessmen, is not a good idea, as Jones represents
the same kind of people I noted in my post about Don Brash, Colin Craig and JonKey a year ago; the kind of people who desperately want a time machine to get
back to the 1950s when Maori, minorities and anyone not a clone of them were silent and their desperately narrow set of (undemocratic) norms and values ruled.
And while the two
other issues in this post are clear threats to democracy so too is giving
people like Bob Jones a mouthpiece purely on the basis of his wealth, as just
like Trump and Oprah in the US, the idea of the rich and wealthy being any good
at leadership or running a democracy or having any desire for the country to be
democratic is dangerous to the extreme, just as the very basis of their wealth has
now become the very cancer eating away at democracy around the world.
The fact that Jones
has sought to sue the organizer of the petition shows exactly the same
mentality as Colin Craig, and the afore mentioned others, when their precious wealth and privilege
are threatened and while we can’t take away his wealth (yet) we could take away
his title and that would be just deserts for a man who once wrote a book called
“NZ the way I want it” where the way he wants it would be would be us all
kowtowing to scaly lizards like Bob Jones.
And the petition
has been extremely successful so far so it’s clear that again Jones, like
others of his kind, has lost touch with reality and has retreated into that
soft, safe, reality distorting, bubble that extreme wealth wraps around a person when the rest of the world disagree with their vile opinions.
Find and sign the
petition to remove his title here.
All of these three things
are highly undemocratic and attack directly the idea of free speech and democracy in NZ and people
always worry about dictators taking over and NZ losing its freedoms as one
large grand actions (ala some takeover or coup like Smiths Dream) when instead its creeping moves
like these above that eat away at democracy and leave us exposed to the
If you value free speech and democracy overall, oppose all three.
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